Title: Learn more about the Fathers’ Adoption Registry
The Fathers’ Adoption Registry is a record of putative fathers who voluntary register any time before their child’s birth or within 30 days of the birth. It applies to children born on January 1, 1998 or later, but not before then. The Fathers' Adoption Registry gives the father the opportunity to identify himself and ensure that the court knows he is a putative father and will send him notice of the adoption.
What does “putative” mean?
In this context, a “putative father” means a man who may be a child’s father, but who
- Is not married to the child’s mother on or before the date that the child was or is to be born; and
- Has not established paternity of the child in a court proceeding.
Why is it important to register?
In Minnesota when an unmarried mother wants to place a child up for adoption, she does not have to name the person she thinks is the father before an adoption can take place. But, if the father of the child has been legally recognized as the father, then he has to give his okay for the adoption. On the other hand, if the father is not legally recognized, he may not even get notice of the adoption.
Are men required to do this?
No, there are other options available to a man to identify himself as a father.
What are some of the options?
If the father is known to the court, he may be recognized as a father and given notice of a pending adoption if he:
- Substantially supported the child;
- Was recently married to the child’s mother;
- Is openly living with the child or the child’s mother
How does a man sign up for a registry?
To register with the Minnesota Fathers’ Adoption Registry, a father must fill out a written registration form, sign it and return it to the Registry (in person or mail). There is no registration fee.
Where can I receive the registration form?
Registration forms and instructions are available at (http://www.health.state.mn.usreginst.htm) or by contacting:
Fathers’ Adoption Registry
Minnesota Department of Health
Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 64499
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0499
Or call toll free: 1-888-345-1726
If you have any questions or concerns, then please call the Law Office of Stacey Keenan, LLP at (651) 252- 7238 ext. 102.