Monday, November 10, 2014

Harassent Restraining Orders (HRO)

Harassment Restraining Orders: 

Minnesota courts provide recourse for individuals who are facing harassment. 

A Harassment Restraining Order (HRO) 

If you believe you are being harassed, you should file a Harassment Restraining Order. You can get a HRO issued without a hearing. The person who the HRO is against has 45 days to request a hearing to challenge the HRO.

When granted HROs order that the harasser refrain from acts of harassment.

A petition for an HRO must allege the following:

- An incident of physical or sexual abuse,

- Repeated incidents of intrusive or unwanted acts,  or
- Words, or gestures that have a significant negative effect or are intended to have a significant negative effect on your safety, security, or privacy.

A Harassment Restraining Order can be put in place for up to two years, if the petitioner believes that the HRO is still necessary, the petitioner can request that the HRO be extended for two more years.

If you have more questions you can call Stacey Keenan, Attorney at Law at 651-357-1882..  Visit our website at:

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